Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Work is fun when you have a TRACTOR!

A few more people on this earth learned to drive Rob's tractor - and got lots of work done at the same time. This weekend, we moved yards (cords?) of split wood from the front of the property to the middle of the property. About halfway done. Hope we can get the 3 grammas to come back and finish the job. (That's Yvonne Drektraan in the middle pix)

Everyone was put to work - here's Liam doing his favourite job - using my log-splitter - a Christmas present. (OK it was Rob's present too!)

Lots of drivers on the other favourite cottage vehicle too:

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy Pride

Two Sunday's ago was part of a long weekend for most folks. Rob and the two youngest headed to the cottage on Friday night and stayed til Tuesday evening. Carson and I stayed home that weekend. I had to work on the Monday, as did Carson.

I calculated that it was my first Canada Day weekend in 23 years not spent at the cottage.

I had a great time catching up with my "Hamilton Cousins" on Saturday - played my first 2 games of poker - and won the first one (with lots of coaching). Back home to catch a movie with Carson.

The next day we set out to Toronto after lunch. We were on our way to watch the Gay Pride parade. I had seen a bit of one in NYC when I was there with some girlfriends last summer. But that was just as we were walking to and from the Museum of Modern Art.
This time, I wanted to experience the whole thing. We met up with a friend from work, and a friend of hers joined up with us soon after. I had warned Carson to be prepared for lots of nudity and some weird sights. For almost 2 hours we cheered and laughed (and raised our eyebrows and diverted our gazes). There were politicians, church groups, protest groups, social support groups, businesses, special purpose clubs, bikers (motorized and not)and of course, the firefighters. People from every walk of life were there - I'd say the only group missing were the professional athletes. Hmm - I guess there aren't any pro athletes who are gay ...

Breasts and penises made appearances throughout. There was a group of men carrying a flag that simply read "Bears". By the look of the men marching under that banner, membership in the Bears group simply required one to be(male)over 40, at least 250 pounds and sporting a hairy chest!

My girlfriend and I drooled over the chiseled bodies sponsored by TD bank - only a buff, gay guy can pull off wearing a green speedo.

We were greeted with "Happy Pride" by all who passed us. We returned the greeting - "Happy Pride".

The crowd favourites were the fewer than a dozen military officers marching in uniform, and (I am getting choked up thinking about this), the parents that walked with their (adult) kids bearing signs that expressed their pride and support for their gay children.

There were some groups that made me a little uncomfortable - but I would have found those S&M and other intense displays of affection awkward to watch with heterosexual couples. But the parade, as I understand it, is many things to many people - a form of entertainment, a rite of passage, a political statement, and, a way to spend a fun time with family and friends.

The only thing I didn't get, was why the drag queens felt they had to walk the entire parade in heels. Honey, I only wear my heels for where I need to be - not to get me from points A to B. Get out the runners next year.

All in all, a memorable way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I might be back in another 23 years - maybe I'll see a hockey, baseball or football player then.