Monday, May 18, 2009

Victoria Day

Beautiful sunny day here. Breezy and a bit cool, but a perfect day to be outside.

I joked to my family that I did a triathlon this morning while they all slept. My version of a triathlon went like this:
15 minute jog, immediately followed by a...
25 minute bike ride, followed almost immediately (upon preparation of coffee, toast, yogurt and gathering of newspapers and search and find of reading glasses)by...
10 minutes in the hot tub
Ahhhh! I'm sure Dara would approve.

Once I got that out of the way, I started laundry, made breakfast and tidied up.

Carol stayed over last night - we were up late watching Moonstruck. Ev and Leah weren't impressed with the New York accents but we all loved Cher.

Carol kept me company today and helped out with the tidy up. The younger girls still aren't feeling that great. Some kind of weird bug going around.

In between hanging laundry outside on the line, Carol and I read the paper on the deck, made lunch and watched the girls in the hot tub. At 2:30 I got a call on my cell from C - up in her bedroom, needing help getting out of bed!

Her surgery was last Tuesday - she is healing beautifully, but probably overdid it last night when she had friends over for dinner, then hot tub. C was out and about with us today - got a few looks but I think people are used to seeing anything these days.

We finally managed to get cleaned up and out of the house @4:00 (!) for a visit to see Gramma and Grandpa. Some pix from our afternoon:
In our front yard waiting for the big girls

In Gramma's back yard

The drive back home was via a few old haunts - places I went with my parents oh so many years ago.

Stoney Creek Dairy (we proclaimed today to be an Eat Dessert First Day)

Then back up the mountain, along the escarpment to the Devil's Punchbowl. At least, that's what it was called when I was growing up. The Devil seems to have disappeared - probably a politically correct omission. The girls and Carol were impressed.

And finally, Leah trying to clean up the residue from her bubblegum ice cream.

Gonna go tuck in Leah, then get my stuff ready for tomorrow. C and I had beauty plans, but they will have to wait another day. Need to have an early start tomorrow. Busy day at work, and have to leave at a decent time in order to meet mom to attend the Leonard Cohen concert. Can't wait!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Last weekend, this weekend

Cheer competition:
C with her fellow captains leading the team onto the stage

Ev showing off top right:

Installing the hot tub:

Hugs goodbye to Gramma and Grandpa

Cleaning up the gardens

First day in the hot tub!

and at 11:00 tonight, we enjoyed a delicious free-form strawberry pie made by Ev