Thursday, December 8, 2011

It's beginning to look a bit like Christmas

We managed to string some lights in our tree outside. It looks great from all sides - except for the front.  If it ever stops raining, I will add one more string to the bare spot.  

We are slowly unpacking our ornaments and decorations.  And trying to figure out where to put a tree in our little place.  I have a 7' artificial tree packed away in the basement, that will probably stay put. We might head out this weekend for a real tree.  A real small tree. 

In the meantime, the girls are getting into the spirit of Christmas listening to the new Glee and Justin Bieber Christmas CD's and decorating cookies.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hockey and events in between

September 14 - Celebrating our journey (as the last place team) to the Playoff Finals. Hard to believe that this was taken after losing best of three in two games straight.


September 23, 24, 25 - Oshawa Tournament
Leah scores the first goal of the tournament. The girls make it to the finals - Silver medalists.

September 30 Baseball Banquet - You've heard this before: "Do we ever clean up good!"
With one of my besties - Marilyn Hook

October 1 - Family get-together 

October 7 - United Way Charity Campaign Launch at work. 80 colleagues enjoy home-made waffles. I'm the one slouching against the wall, sipping a coffee, on the far right.

Ah, Julie! My ever so wonderful colleague (and waffle maker extraordinaire) 

October 6, 7, 8 - Oakville Tournament 
Silver medal again.

October 9 & 10
From the arena we head to Joyce and Larry's. Time stands still.
Leah is the only kid but manages to have fun. Aunt Marilee teaches her how to play poker, we play washers and try our hand at beach badminton.  And visit with some goats and chickens

October 16 - The day after an unfortunate accident between my car and a tree. No other physical damage except someone's ego.

Calm descends once again. The dinner that was started Saturday afternoon (and packed away after the turmoil), finally gets cooked and is enjoyed Sunday afternoon.  The girls settle into browsing the web and doing homework...

But first - we gather on the porch for a portrait (driving Andrew crazy in the process).
All is good with the world.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Forwarding address

Effective immediately:
You will now find me in a hockey arena 4 times a week from now until March.

In the rare chance that you will see me during that time, be prepared to hear pleas for sponsorships, requests to purchase everything from meat to bracelets and the occasional begging to fill in as driver/cook/cleaner or psychiatrist.

See you in the spring!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

More NYC

As I mentioned - the best part of the trip was watching the interplay between mom and Carson.  Neither one had been to NYC before and I was thrilled to be able to show them around and discover new areas with them.  More than once, I felt like the personal tour guide to two long-lost bff's, eager to explore the big city.

My favourite memories are of the two of them giggling uncontrollably in the bathroom as Carson shaped mom's eyebrows and applied eye makeup.

Mom was such a good sport - the first night we dragged her out at 9:00 p.m. to go for dinner. There were no attempts at Seniors Early-bird specials a la Florida for us.  When in New York, we dine as New Yorkers.  Here we are at Tony's Di Napoli in Times Square, feasting on pasta at 9:40 p.m.

Carson made quite an impression on the fellow pedestrians in Times Square that night.  As mom and I took pictures of her taking in the lights and sights of that vibrant part of the city, many people stopped and stared and tried to figure out if she was a celebrity.

The three of us never managed to coordinate our dress codes.  The nights Carson and I dressed up, mom wanted nothing more to wear whatever went with her comfy sneakers.  For some strange reason, the night we headed to the Empire State Building, mom decided that she would dress up and wear her good sandals.  That was because I assured her that we wouldn't be doing a lot of walking.  

Me bad.

We didn't walk a lot, but we sure did wait in line for a long time.  Thankfully that was the night out when Carson and I chose to wear flat comfy shoes.  By the time we hit the obligatory gift shop at the end of the tour, mom had to get out of her shoes.  So there we were, just outside the gift shop, all switching shoes.  I put on mom's GRANNY SHOES, Carson donned my red flats, and mom ever-so-thankfully, slipped on Carson's flip-flops.  Giggling the whole time.

Dining out is fun, but after a while, even the best meals leave something to be desired.  Carson and I were out for a late dinner the second night at Serafina, not far from our hotel.  We decided that a salad was our best bet and enjoyed it and the ambiance.  However, I have to say that the salad I made tonight was just as good.

Of course, it is the company that makes the meal, makes the trip, makes a life.

Every trip I have taken to NYC has been with some wonderful women.  My fourth visit to NYC was the best yet. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Big fun in the Big Apple

This trip exceeded all my expectations. Four days in New York City with mom and Carson was a whirlwind of fun, adventure and just plain silliness. Watching the camaraderie between mom and Carson was the best part of the trip. 

Checking out the 3D games in the Nintendo Store

Taking in the splendor of St. Patrick's Cathedral

Eagerly anticipating a sample of store-made mozzarella and proscuitto

 Calculating tips

Taking time for breakfast before trekking to Hoboken, NJ

Fitting in with the locals at the train station

Practicing toasts while waiting for drinks

Prepping "G'ma" for a night out on the town
Taking in the view from the Empire State Building

Thanks New York.  We will be back

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Birthday Girl

20 years of (mostly) joy

Aged to perfection

Happy Birthday Carson!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New place, new ways of doing things

We are slowing finding room for all our stuff. Still unpacked are several boxes of photo albums and several boxes of books and cookbooks and cooking magazines. And a few containers of toiletries. Honestly - why do we think we need all that stuff?

And I have yet to find - uh, an official government document that should be reported missing as soon as it is known to be missing - my headphones (ugh, I can't block out my fellow GO train commuters with my iPod), Ev's 12 pack minus 1 package of contacts, the charger for the cordless vac, and a few other things.  Hopefully this weekend we will have everything unpacked and accounted for.

There are a few benefits from downsizing to 1500 sq ft from a 3400 sq ft home and equivalent yard - I can't wipe the smile off my face as I roll the push mower over the lawn. I love the sound the blades make as they cut the grass. The tiny patches of grass in the front and back take a dozen or so swipes - et voila - that job is done.  What is taking more time is watering those little lawns. I'm down to taking 5 minutes adjusting the water pressure so that all the neighbours, their cars and adjoining lawns don't get sprayed.  The first time I tried to water the lawn, I spent at least 15 minutes going back and forth from the tap to the sprinkler, changing the pressure and the direction of the spray. I think the typical oscillating water sprinkler is meant for big lawns. I'm going to look into a different style of sprinkler, one more suitable to watering 30 sq feet of grass  - they should be going on sale any time now.

Being in such close proximity to our neighbours has been mostly positive.  And a source of humour for me today. Evann proudly reported this afternoon that she rinsed out all the recycling and compost bins that were put out at the curb this morning.  Because of our shared driveway and limited curb real estate, our neighbours place their garbage in front of our place with ours.  Ev wasn't very happy when she found out how wonderfully neighbourly she was, having washed out their smelly garbage bins as well.

The big girls seem to be settling in - though they are frustrated with the time it is taking me to figure out how to  set up the new wireless internet connection...having to plug their laptops directly into the modem that is under the basement stairs is only temporary, I assure them.

Leah has only spent two days at the new place - as soon as she returned from New Brunswick, she was whisked away to the cottage where she has been having a blast with her cousins; beating them at War and learning how to ski on the wakeboard. If she had her way, she would split her summer vacation time between the two places - cottage and New Brunswick.

More changes tomorrow as Rob takes possession of his new place.

I wonder if he needs any toiletries?

Friday, July 15, 2011

It takes a village... move me into our new place.  Chief amongst those villagers are Carol, Paula and Brent. They kept me focussed (never an easy job) and propped me up when this whole transition seemed physically and emotionally overwhelming.
Friends and family have been sending good wishes and another favourite friend arrived Saturday afternoon for a visit. Marilyn and I sat caught up on the front porch and were eventually joined by Carol and Paula. Impromtu dinner plans were made and within an hour or so, we had prepared two pounds of delectable and garlicky mussels.  Perfectly accompanied by Paula's bocconcini and tomato salad and lots of fresh bread.  And a few splashes of wine.

I'm so glad we had that fun time - the next few days were hectic - preparing for the movers, moving and now finding a place for everything.

Cousin Brent has been spent most of his vacation here, putting together furniture. A desk, tv console, and two beds. Here is Leah's room - before and after assembly

Right now Brent is hooking up the tv/dvd player to a small surround sound system.  I've got boxes open and stuff scattered on all three floor. Plus a whole lot of cardboard to break down.

We have plans to get out to the downtown Midnight Madness event tonight - we might just be able to tear ourselves away before midnight.

Or maybe Brent will be able to hook up the "entertainment system" and we will just veg here.

Two more days til the girls return from their travels. Lots to do.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011