Saturday, April 25, 2009


What would Dara do?

I know nothing about this woman except that she is 42 and has a killer body. Not surprising as she is an Olympic swimmer - and silver medalist.

Rob discovered her first in a full-length ad in USA Today - hooray for business trips. He ever so thoughtfully left the paper open to her picture the week that I decided to kick-start a new exercise regime - biking two mornings a week - to be combined with some other cardio on the weekends. I don't know why, but that picture was the push I needed to stick with this.

There are a few other motivators:
Getting out of bed to be on my bike at 6:15 a.m. is made easier knowing that a colleague is at the gym at the same time. Sharing the pain seems to keep me from hitting the snooze button more than once.
Also, I'm back playing slow-pitch and need to know that if I get a good hit I might be able to turn a double into a triple instead of wondering where the hell the piano on my back came from as I drag my butt up to first.

But it is Dara's thighs that have inspired me - I remember having legs like those. I sure as hell don't recognize the ones I have now.

So in addition to a basic 3 times a week workout, I'm also adjusting some lifestyle/eating habits. So what would Dara do? She's whispered a few things to me from the poster:

Dara would have a scotch before dinner, but decline a snack of chips. She will only eat 3 strips of bacon instead of 6 or 7. And she definitely eats only half the fries that come with the cheeseburger at lunch.

Dara drinks lots of water and remembers to stretch before and after exercise. She is a good role model for her children. Her husband is just happy to be in the same room with her.

I think that this is start of a beautiful relationship.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Catching up

Activities that have been keeping us happy and busy the past few weeks:

Hockey Championship
Leah charging into the spotlight

Leah had the largest cheering section, and played her heart out, but the team lost. We were very proud of the girls - it was a great season.

Kremer Cousin Party
I got the best dessert - Tasha's toes:

And where do we find Tanya and Lisa after dinner? Playing Rock Band with the "other" kids.

Day after Good Friday Hike
Mom hosted a brunch - it was great to see all the aunties, uncles and cousins from out of town (that includes you cousin Larry from way out in Stoney Creek - sweet Harley dude!)

Auntie and Uncles

Some of the boys:

Great turn out for this year's Good Friday Hike