Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Fayzie!

Gwendolyn Faye - you are a treasure!

You are such a beautiful person.
Lots of love to a wonderful Mom, Mother-in-law and Gramma!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Afternoon at Auntie Pat's

It felt like everyone was heading to Hamilton today...the QEW traffic is busy at all hours of the day now.
But it's worth the drive, especially today, 'cause we got to see all the Hammond gals and their families. (And Aunt Joyce and Uncle Larry!)

It's such a thrill to see the younger ones get along just like they left off - it's been at least a year since Carson has seen Lisette and Nicole. My fondest memories of the cottage trailer are of the times the Alvarez kids stayed with us. We will never forget the fierce argument between Leah and Jake about the reality of good and bad bears. It's been several years since these two have seen each other - and within a minute, they were thick as thieves, checking out Jake's DS:

We took lots of pictures because we never know when we will be together again.

We discussed sending Carson down to Bolivia for a visit next month, but when she found out that it's winter down there right now, Carson asked that we wait until the weather was warmer. I hope that we get that chance!

New grandma Kim tried to get into this picture too, but got booted out:

Thanks Aunt Pat. What a great afternoon. What a great family (aren't we?)!

Cottage Fun

We spent the last few weekends up north, but will be home for the next few until Rob is good to travel. The weather was a mix of cool and damp to hot and sunny. The kids managed to have lots of fun. Thanks to Gramma and Omi (and Opa) for all their patience and good spirits.

The water was warm and the kids were in it or on it as much as possible:

The grandmother's were always close by to supervise:

And of course, Tasha's morning would not be complete without a visit to the trampoline:

Lots of kids, lots of fun.