Monday, February 28, 2011

Carpe Daughter

To date, I have gone through life with not much of a plan, making mistakes as I go, and grateful to land butter-side-up when I make the inevitable and spectacular falls.

Serendipity and goodwill, more than a personal vision and strategy, have been my guides.  

I may not have known where I was going, but I always knew that I wanted to have a big family and I knew that my first born would be a girl.  

Nothing earth shattering, but for me, a truth and a purpose that has comforted me like an old wool blanket on a cold cold night. 

My first born is everything I imagined she would be, including strong, smart, resilient, independent.  Of course, I didn't really expect that she would have formed all these personality traits by 3 months of age.  So for the first 18 years of her life, we have been engaged in a battle of wills and wits. 

How we managed to raise two other girls during this time still amazes me...

Two nights ago I found myself at the local pub, sitting at the bar with this woman, drinking beer, sharing a pizza and salad, and watching the hockey game.  I may not have envisioned this exact mother-daughter milestone scenario, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. 

The icing on the cake - she paid!

Going out tonight - wearing my hat and boots and Leah's coat!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Family Day

Family Day weekend began on Friday with Leah participating in a hockey tournament.  This time it was in Oakville.  Once again, the team made it to the finals.  This time though, despite a hard fought contest, the team finished with silver medals.

Monday was Leah's first day "off" and she spent it with cousin Avry.  Dwayne and Janice had dropped into Adam and Yvonne's.  I brought over a dozen donuts - thinking that at least some of Dwayne and Janice's kids would be there to enjoy them.  No Holliday/Boose kids but somehow the donuts disappeared without them...

Once again, baby Sydney managed to contain her excitement, keeping her eyes closed most of the time we were there.  Dwayne and Janice tried, but just couldn't get that baby to wake up.

My oh my, that Sydney is a cutie

Ev and I left Leah with her cousins and headed home.  On the way, we decided that we were ready for Ev's first driving lesson.  We searched our neighbourhood for a vacant (and plowed) parking lot, switched seats and with goofy grins plastered to our faces...kept the car in park while Ev got familiar with the location of the gas and break pedals.  Then it was time for the real thing.  A few circles around the parking lot and then out into the street.  Slowly Ev drove the 10 or so blocks home.  For her first time, she did really well.  (When I tucked in Leah that night, I told her about Ev's first driving lesson.  "How was she taking corners? Really wide or too tight?" Leah asked. "Uh, both." I replied, wondering how the heck she thinks of these things.)

The older girls hung around the house most of the day and Andrew joined us for dinner - thank you Irma for the stuffed pasta shells and sauce that you made and froze for us before you left for Florida.

Adam, Avry and Leah showed up after dinner for a splash in the hot tub.  They had been taking advantage of lots of free Family Day activities at the local rec centre.  The plan was to go for a swim after their skating session, but they found that the pool had a long waiting line.  Plan B worked out perfectly.  We were still sitting around the kitchen table after dinner.  Rob, Andrew and Ev were showing each other their favourite games on their phones and iPad.

I joined Adam, Avry and Leah in the hot tub. Avry was in heaven, swimming back and forth between us.  Once out, Carson dried and styled Avry's hair - I don't know who had more fun...

That evening was a perfect end to a very stressful and hectic week.  Hooray for Family Day!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

100 things. In my bathroom cupboard. The left side. Bottom shelf.

Our realtor was here today with a photographer. Every room was stripped of all our personal belongings. Pictures, school notices, calendars.  Cords were tucked away. The closets were jammed with ratty towels, toiletries, bills and homework.  Toothbrushes and toothpaste did not grace the bathroom counters. Surprisingly, the Justin Bieber posters could stay.

Before we have an Open House, we can put some of the stuff back, but the closets and cupboards need to be immaculate. We've been told that we can jamb stuff into the dryer with abandon and no one will be the wiser...

A few weeks ago, Mom sent me a link to a guy working on getting all his worldly possessions down to 100 things. I was telling that to one of the girls this morning as we jammed a laundry basket full of make-up, perfume, cleansers, bags, brushes, hair products and hair appliances.

"He's a guy. That's easy."

So true.  But why is that acceptable? Why do we women "need" all this stuff?

Another fascinating insight on this journey.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What happens in the Falls, stays in the Falls

High-roller Aunt Mary treated me to a get-away in Niagara Falls this week.  We graciously let Brent be our chauffeur and join in on the fun.

I was battling the end of a head cold but managed to persevere and enjoy a crazy big buffet and a fabulous live show - Human Nature - 4 scrawny white guys from Australia who performed all the Motown hits and moves to perfection.  As for the gambling, I just couldn't bring myself to sit in front of a slot machine and feed it my hard earned $.  While Mary made her way around the casino trying her luck, Brent and I were happy to sit at the bar and play Blackjack.  At least that took a bit of skill.  Of course it was just on a machine, not at a table with real cards and a real dealer and real big stakes.  And of course, I probably managed to lose just as much $ as if I was playing the slot machines.

We were there less than 24 hours, but it was a much needed break from reality.  Casinos are fascinating places.  I could just stroll around all day being entertained by people watching.  As for what stayed in the Falls...somehow I managed to leave my phone charger and reading glasses behind.  Thankfully the hotel found my charger and is shipping it to me.  And today I will be heading out to pick up another 3-pack of reading glasses...

I know I've said it many times before, but I sure am grateful for my wonderful family.  Thanks Mary and Brent.

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Non-Ficton be continued

We are tackling a big job at the house - decluttering.  Some stuff is easy to part with.  Other found items are treasures.  Everyone has kept the complaining to a minimum and have been rewarded by the discovery of some blasts from the past.

Leah's reactions to the pix below were:

1. Indignant
"Am I eating dirt? You let me eat dirt?"

2. Embarrassing
"Oh I remember that party. Everyone was drunk."
(OK - it was me who was embarrassed.)

My heart melted when I found this:

I keep as many of the kids notes as possible.  Evann is the most prolific.  I thought it was because she shared my love of writing, and the need to reflect and make sense of the world.  I remember putting pen to paper to express my disgust with my mean cousin Cindy.  I was 7 or so and had to let my aunt and uncle know that "I hate Cindy because she won't let me play with her Spirograph".  About 20 years later, Aunt Pat showed me that note and I was immediately transported to their living room, fuming as I watched Cindy make beautiful designs with the magical little plastic wheel. And not letting me have a turn!

This note transported Ev too - she got indignant all over again!
(Click on it to make it bigger to read)

I'm now thinking that she is writing to set the record straight.  Oh, the trials and tribulations of being the perfect sister (and middle child)!